題目:Distribution Free Newsvendor Problem and its Applications
主講人:岳勁峰 教授(美國中田納西州立大學教授 / 上海財經大學信息管理與工程學院院長)
岳勁峰,華盛頓州立大學博士,中田納西州立大學教授,上海財經大學信息管理與工程學院院長。從事運營管理研究,研究興趣為庫存管理、供應鏈管理、優化極其運用。論文發表在Operations Research, Production and Operations Management 等期刊上。
This research extends previous work on the distribution-free newsvendor problem, where only partial information about the demand distribution is available. More specifically, the analysis assumes that the demand distribution f belongs to a class of probability distribution functions (pdf) F with mean μ and standard deviation σ. While previous work has examined the expected value of distribution information (EVDI) for a particular order quantity and a particular pdf f, this paper aims at computing the maximum EVDI over all f ∈ F for any order quantity. In addition, an optimization procedure is provided to calculate the order quantity that minimizes the maximum EVDI.