題目:Making internalization a general theory of the (multinational) firm: Toward an asymmetric power–resource value–transaction cost (ART) framework
李鑫,男,四川南充人,漢族,1977年出生,博士,現任丹麥哥本哈根商學院助理教授,研究領域為企業戰略、國際商務、管理悖論、中國本土管理研究等。在《管理學報》、《管理世界》、《南開管理評論國際版》、《外國經濟與管理》、《商業評論》、《Management and Organization Review》、《Asia Pacific Journal of Management》、《Cross Cultural & Strategic Management》、《Critical Perspectives on International Business》、《China Economic Journal》、《Journal of Chinese Political Science》等國內外學術期刊發表中英文論文二十余篇,在AOM、AIB、SMS、IACMR等國際學術會議上宣讀會議論文三十余篇。任多家知名國際管理學期刊外審專家。2015年獲得丹麥嘉士伯基金會132萬丹麥克朗研究資助用于研究中國后發企業的國際趕超現象。
We argue, the major theories of multinational enterprise (MNE) and foreign direct investment (FDI) can be associated with two broadly categorized rationales for internalization of external market transactions, i.e., transaction cost minimization and resource value maximization. The reverse FDI, which has raised questions and debates regarding the applicability of the orthodox theories of the international business field including the internalization theory, can be explained as internalization motivated by the pursuit of asymmetric power. We link the three rationales to form an asymmetric power–resource value–transaction cost (ART) framework of internalization and demonstrate this ART framework-based notion of internalization can be said a general theory of the (multinational) firm.
(承辦:市場營銷系 組織與人力資源管理系)