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教育背景:2013.09 - 2014.09 新加坡南洋理工大學 聯合培養

2009.09 - 2014.09 廈門大學公共事務學院 管理學博士

2005.09 - 2009.07 廈門大學公共事務學院 管理學學士

工作經歷:2019.7 – 至今 偉德國際1946bv官網 副教授

2015.1 – 2019.6 偉德國際1946bv官網管理與經濟學院 講師



所在學科: 工商管理(組織與人力資源管理系)












1. 楊添安、鄧劍偉、劉冉. 健康風險、服務供給及智慧賦能:實施健康中國戰略背景下我國公共醫療衛生治理相關問題研究. 北京: 中國財政經濟出版社, 2023.

2. 1.鄧劍偉. 公共服務質量持續改進管理框架的構建和應用. 北京: 科學出版社, 2017.


1. 楊艷、黃潔萍、鄧劍偉、葉選挺. 商業倫理與企業社會責任. 北京: 電子工業出版社, 2023.

2. 鄧劍偉、楊添安. 人力資源管理. 北京: 中國財政經濟出版社, 2021.

3. 楊添安、鄧劍偉. 衛生人力資源管理. 北京: 中國財政經濟出版社, 2021.


1. 第一作者. 公共服務動機測量的研究進展與未來展望[J].深圳社會科學,2023,6(02):89-98.

2. 第三作者. 中國“隱性996”下客觀工作環境量表開發——基于形成性指標的構建方法[J].管理現代化,2022,42(02):17-23. (中文核心)

3. 第三作者. “管工結合”背景下德國慕尼黑工業大學經管類研究生培養模式探析[J].學位與研究生教育,2022(02):78-83. (CSSCI)

4. 第一作者. 內在驅動還是外在拉動——“藥品零加成”政策擴散的動因分析[J].深圳社會科學,2021,4(03):69-80.

5. 第三作者. 領導—成員心智模式一致性與研發人員創造力[J].科學學研究,2020,38(10):1743-1753. (CSSCI)

6. 通訊作者. 大數據驅動的透明政府建設——媒介選擇與政民互動重構[J].偉德國際1946bv官網學報(社會科學版),2020,22(04):60-69. (CSSCI)

7. 第一作者. 新醫改背景下如何評價醫療服務質量——基于通用評估框架的探索與應用[J].人口與發展,2020,26(01):68-75. (CSSCI)

8. 第一作者. 公共選擇理論下的官僚制——兼評《官僚制內幕》[J].公共管理評論,2019(01):145-154. (CSSCI)

9. 通訊作者. 我國公立醫院醫務人員工作壓力、醫療服務質量與工作滿意度關系研究[J].中國衛生事業管理,2018,35(09):705-709+720. (中文核心)

10. 第一作者. 超大城市公共服務質量評價研究——以北京市為例[J].華東經濟管理,2018,32(08):49-57. (CSSCI)

11. 通訊作者. 醫療服務質量量表漢化及信效度檢驗[J].中國公共衛生,2018,34(08):1083-1086. (中文核心)

12. 第一作者. 如何實施醫療服務質量第三方評價——日本JCQHC醫院審查政策及其借鑒[J].中國行政管理,2018(02):143-148. (CSSCI)

13. 第一作者. “數據驅動”的公共服務評價:理論建構與實踐探索[J].求索,2018(01):107-114. (CSSCI)

14. 第一作者. 英國、美國與南非公共服務標準化建設的比較[J].偉德國際1946bv官網學報(社會科學版),2018,20(01):81-87. (CSSCI)

15. 通訊作者. 京津冀協同發展背景下電力行業的發展策略研究[J].技術經濟與管理研究,2017(08):124-128. (中文核心)

16. 通訊作者. 北京市公立醫院與私立醫院醫務人員工作壓力及其影響的對比分析[J].中國衛生事業管理,2017,34(08):622-625. (中文核心)

17. 通訊作者. 私立醫院醫務人員挑戰性、阻礙性工作壓力與職業倦怠的關系研究[J].中國衛生事業管理,2017,34(05):384-387. (中文核心)

18. 第一作者. 政策移植、政策擴散與政策創新的比較研究[J].中國公共政策評論,2016,11(02):132-148. (CSSCI)

19. 第一作者. 如何提升政府的透明度:新加坡的做法和啟示[J].東南亞研究,2016(02):49-56. (CSSCI)

20. 第一作者. 社會管理政策的多源流分析:議程、方案與機制[J].東北大學學報(社會科學版),2013,15(03):276-281. (CSSCI)

21. 第一作者. 當代政府改革的北歐模式——演化、總結和評價[J].國家行政學院學報,2012(05):123-127. (CSSCI) [3]


1. 通訊作者. Linking enterprise information systems success to female employees' work-family enrichment in China. Journal of Management & Organization, 2024. (SSCI)

2. 通訊作者. Investigating Factors Influencing Medical Practitioners' Resistance to and Adoption of Internet Hospitals in China: Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2023, 25. (SSCI)

3. 通訊作者. Effects of and Prospects for the Hierarchical Medical Policy in Beijing, China. Healthcare, 2023, 11:1067. (SSCI)

4. 第一作者. Conceptual Framework for Smart Health: A Multi-Dimensional Model Using IPO Logic to Link Drivers and Outcomes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023, 19:16742. (SSCI)

5. 通訊作者. Comparison of health-oriented cross-regional allocation strategies for the COVID-19 vaccine: a mathematical modelling study. Annals of Medicine, 2022, 54:941-952. (SSCI)

6. 第一作者. The increase of counterproductive work behaviour from organizational and individual level due to workplace conflict: a sequential moderated mediation model. International Journal of Conflict Management, 2022. (SSCI)

7. 通訊作者. How organizational support can help employees mitigate the effects of distributive injustice: a hierarchical moderated mediation model. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 2022. (SSCI)

8. 第一作者. Behavioural and economic impacts of end-user computing satisfaction: Innovative work behaviour and job performance of employees. Computers in Human Behavior, 2022, 136:107367. (SSCI)

9. 通訊作者. What Drives the Influence of Health Science Communication Accounts on TikTok? A Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19:13815. (SSCI)

10. 通訊作者. Change of productivity loss due to presenteeism among the ageing workforce: Role of work support, workplace discrimination, and the work-nonwork interface. Human Resource Management Journal, 2022. (SSCI)

11. 第一作者. Effect of Job Stressors on Presenteeism among Aging Workers: A Longitudinal Moderated Mediation Model. American Journal of Health Behavior, 2022, 46:39-48. (SSCI)

12. 第一作者. Redefinition and Measurement Dimensions of Sustainable Employability Based on the swAge-Model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18:13230. (SSCI)

13. 通訊作者. Occupational stress, distributive justice and turnover intention among public hospital nurses in China: A cross-sectional study. Applied Nursing Research, 2021, 61:151481. (SSCI)

14. 通訊作者. Does Co-worker Presenteeism Increase Innovative Behavior? Evidence From IT Professionals Under the 996 Work Regime in China. Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, 12:1-10. (SSCI)

15. 第一作者. How does social support affect public service motivation of healthcare workers in China: the mediating effect of job stress. BMC Public Health, 2021, 21:1-13. (SCI)

16. 通訊作者. Do indicators for the proportion of pharmaceutical spending alleviate the burden of medical expenditure? Evidence from provincial panel-data in China, 2010-2019. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 2021, 1-9. (SSCI)

17. 通訊作者. Lessons Learnt from China: National Multidisciplinary Healthcare Assistance. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 2020, 17:1835-1837. (SSCI)

18. 通訊作者. Association of Ambient Air Pollution with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Incidence in Ten Large Chinese Cities, 2006-2013. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(6):1824. (SSCI)

19. 第一作者. Effect of Discrimination on Presenteeism among Aging Workers in the United States: Moderated Mediation Effect of Positive and Negative Affect. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(4):1425. (SSCI)

208. 通訊作者. Effect of Work Environment on Presenteeism among Aging American Workers: The Moderated Mediating Effect of Sense of Control. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(1):245. (SSCI)

21. 第一作者. Status of healthcare workers after comprehensive reform of urban public hospitals in Beijing, China: sustainable supply, psychological perception, and work outcomes. Human Resources for health, 2019,17(1):77. (SSCI)

22. 通訊作者. Do job stress, health, and presenteeism differ between Chinese healthcare workers in public and private hospitals: a cross sectional study. Psychology Health & Medicine, 2019, 25(6):653-665. (SSCI)

23. 通訊作者. Perceived social support and presenteeism among healthcare workers in China: the mediating role of organizational commitment. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 2019, 24(1):55. (SSCI)

24. 第一作者. Public service motivation as a mediator of the relationship between job stress and presenteeism: a cross-sectional study from Chinese public hospitals. BMC Health Services Research, 2019, 19(1):625. (SCI)

25. 第四作者. Effect of Stress on the Work Ability of Aging American Workers: Mediating Effects of Health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(13):2273. (SSCI)

26. 第一作者. Job Stress and Healthcare Quality among Chinese Healthcare Workers: The Mediating Effects of Public Service Motivation. American Journal of Health Behavior, 2019, 43(4):705-716. (SSCI)

27. 通訊作者. Supervisor Support, Coworker Support and Presenteeism among Healthcare Workers in China: The Mediating Role of Distributive Justice. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(5):817. (SSCI)

28. 第一作者. How job stress influences job performance among Chinese healthcare workers: a cross-sectional study. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 2019, 24(1):2. (SSCI)

29. 第一作者. A retrospective and prospective assessment of the zero-markup drug reform in China from the perspective of policy diffusion. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 2018, 33(4):E918-E929. (SSCI)

30. 通訊作者. Do Challenge Stress and Hindrance Stress Affect Quality of Health Care? Empirical Evidence from China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15(8):1628. (SSCI)

31. 通訊作者. Challenge or hindrance: Does job stress affect presenteeism among Chinese healthcare workers?. Journal of Occupational Health, 2018, 60(2):163-171. (SCI)

32. 通訊作者. Job Stress and Presenteeism among Chinese Healthcare Workers: The Mediating Effects of Affective Commitment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017, 14(9):978. (SSCI)



2. 2022年入選北京市國家治理青年人才培養計劃

3. 2022年榮獲偉德國際1946bv官網“三全育人”德育導師

4. 2021年榮獲偉德國際1946bv官網“三全育人”德育導師

5. 2019年榮獲偉德國際1946bv官網“卓越領航人”

6. 2019年榮獲偉德國際1946bv官網“優秀共產黨員”

7. 2017年榮獲北京高校青年教師社會調研優秀項目一等獎

8. 2016年榮獲北京高校青年教師社會調研優秀項目一等獎

9. 2015年榮獲北京市優秀人才培養資助

10. 2015年榮獲福建省優秀博士學位論文







歡迎性格隨和、具有探索精神和發散性思維,有一定統計分析基礎和實證研究經驗,對數智化人力資源、工作場所心理學、行為政策科學、公共服務動機、公共政策等研究領域感興趣的同學積極報考我的博士生、碩士生( ^_^ )( ^_^ )