兼任信息系統協會中國分會(CNAIS)常務理事、中國信息經濟學會理事、中國優選法統籌法與經濟數學研究會理事、中國優選法統籌法與經濟數學研究會管理決策與信息系統分會副理事長,《Internet Research》 副主編(Associate Editor)、《Electronic Commerce Research and Applications》副主編(Associate Editor)、《偉德國際1946bv官網學報》(社會科學版)編委;《Information & Management》、《International Journal of Information Management》、《管理科學學報》、《管理評論》、《信息系統學報》等國內外期刊論文評審專家,國家自然科學基金委、國家留學基金委、博士后基金通訊評議專家。曾訪問德國卡爾斯魯厄大學、英國瑞丁大學、美國夏威夷大學等國外知名院校。
在《MIS Quarterly》(UTD24/FT50期刊)、《Production and Operations Management》(UTD24/FT50期刊)、《Journal of Management Information System》(FT50期刊)、《Information & Management》、《管理科學學報》、《系統工程理論與實踐》、《中國管理科學》等國內外重要學術期刊和會議發表論文100余篇,其中SCI/SSCI收錄論文30余篇,教材5部。曾獲2項省部級科技進步或哲學社會科學獎、中國信息經濟學會優秀成果獎。
[1]. Zhijun Yan, Lini Kuang*, Liangfei Qiu. Prosocial behaviors and economic performance: Evidence from an online mental healthcare platform. Production and Operations Management, 2022, 31(10):3859-3876. (UTD24/FT50期刊)
[2]. Huang, He, Huang, Yan; Yan, Zhijun*, Zhang, Han. Social Influence, Competition, and Free Riding: Examining Seller Interactions Within an Online Social Network, MIS Quarterly, 2022, 46 (3):1817-1832. (UTD24/FT50期刊)
[3]. Qiuju Yin, Lun Li, Zhijun Yan*, Chenxi Guo. Understanding the effects of self-peer-platform incentives on users’ physical activity in mobile fitness apps: the role of gender. Information Technology & People, 2022, 35(3):1054-1072.
[4]. Zhijun Yan, Roberta Bernardi, Nina Huang, Younghoon Chang*. Guest editorial: The bright side and the dark side of digital health. Internet Research. 2021, 31(6):1993-1999.
[5]. Wanxin Qiao, Zhijun Yan*, Xiaohan Wang. Join or not: The impact of physicians’ group joining behavior on their online demand and reputation in online health communities. Information Processing and Management, 2021,58:102634.
[6]. Ni Huang, Zhijun Yan*, Haonan Yin. Effects of Online-Offline Service Integration on e-Healthcare Providers: A Quasi-Natural Experiment, Production and Operations Management,2021, 30(8):2359-2378. (UTD24/FT50期刊,Lead Article)
[7]. He Huang, Yahong Chen, Zhijun Yan*. Impacts of social distancing on the spread of infectious diseases with asymptomatic infection: A mathematical model. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2021,398:125983.
[8]. Han Yang, Zhijun Yan, Lin Jia*, Huigang Liang. The impact of team diversity on physician teams’ performance in online health communities, Information Processing and Management , 2021,58:102421.
[9]. Yan Liu, Xi Chen, Zhijun Yan*. Depression in the house: The effects of household air pollution from solid fuel use among the middle-aged and older population in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 703:134706.
[10]. Lini Kuang, Ni Huang, Yili Hong & Zhijun Yan *. Spillover Effects of Financial Incentives on Non-Incentivized User Engagement: Evidence from an Online Knowledge Exchange Platform, Journal of Management Information Systems, 2019, 36(1), 289-320. (FT50期刊)
[11]. Lin Jia *, Dianne Hall, ZhijunYan, Junjiang Liu, Terry Byrd. The Impact of Relationship between IT Staff and Users on Employee Outcomes of IT Users, Information Technology & People, 2018, 31(5): 986-1007.
[12]. Yaohui Pan, and Zhijun Yan?. The impact of individual heterogeneity on the coupled awareness-epidemic dynamics in multiplex networks. Chaos. 2018, 28(6):063123.
[13]. Yaohui Pan, Zhijun Yan *. The impact of multiple information on coupled awareness-epidemic dynamics in multiplex networks. Physica A, 2018, 491:45–54.
[14]. Zhijun Yan, Lini Kuang, He Huang, Han Yang. Do Financial Incentives Induce More Online Participatory Behaviors? International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) , 2017, Seoul, Korea, 2017.12.10-12.
[15]. Ireneus Kagashe, Zhijun Yan *, Imran Suheryani. Enhancing Seasonal Influenza Surveillance: Topic Analysis of Widely Used Medicinal Drugs Using Twitter Data. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2017, 19(9):e315.
[16]. Yan Liu, Zhijun Yan *, Su Liu, Yuting Wu, Qingmei Gan, Chao Dong. The effect of the driving restriction policy on public health in Beijing, Natural Hazards, 2017, 85(2): 751-762.
[17]. He Huang, Zhijun Yan*, Yahong Chen, Fangyan Liu. A social contagious model of the obesity epidemic. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 37961.
[18]. Zhijun Yan, Tianmei Wang, Yi Chen, Han Zhang*. Knowledge sharing in online health communities: A social exchange theory perspective. Information & Management. 2016, 53(5): 643-653.
[19]. Zhijun Yan, He Huang,Yahong Chen, and Yaohui Pan. Identifying the direct risk source to contain epidemics more effectively. Physical Review E ,2016,93, 012308.
[20]. Chao Dong, Qiuju Yin, Wenyang Liu, Zhijun Yan*, Tianyu Shi. Can rewiring strategy control the epidemic spreading? Physica A. 2015, 438:169-177.
[21]. Maria Ikram, Zhijun Yan*, Yan Liu, Weihua Qu. Seasonal effects of temperature fluctuations on air quality and respiratory disease: a study in Beijing. Natural Hazards, 2015, 79(2):833-853.
[22]. Zhijun Yan, Meiming Xing, Dongsong Zhang, Baizhang Ma. EXPRS: An Extended PageRank Method for Product Feature Extraction from Online Consumer Reviews. Information & Management. 2015, 52(7): 850-858.
[23]. Weihua Qu, Zhijun Yan*, Guohua Qu, Maria Ikaram. Household solid fuel use and cardiovascular disease in rural areas in Shanxi, China, Iranian Journal of Public Health, 2015, 44(5):625-638.
[24]. 曲衛華,顏志軍。環境污染、經濟增長與醫療衛生服務對公共健康的影響分析 —基于中國省際面板數據的研究,中國管理科學,2015,23(7):166-176.
[25]. 潘耀輝,顏志軍,劉文洋。基于群體特征的復雜網絡信息傳播建模,偉德國際1946bv官網學報(自然科學版),2015,35(8):872-875.
[26]. He Huang, Zhijun Yan*, Yaohui Pan. Measuring edge importance to improve immunization performance. Physica A, 2014:416, 532-540.
[27]. Dongsong Zhang , Zhijun Yan *, Hansi Jiang , Taeha Kim*. A domain-feature enhanced classification model for the detection of Chinese phishing e-Business websites. Information & Management, 2014:51(7), 845-853.
[28]. Zhijun Yan, Meiming Xing, Dongsong Zhang, Baizhang Ma, Tianmei Wang. Context-Dependent Sentiment Analysis of Online Product Reviews based on Dependency Relationships. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Dec. 14-17, 2014. Auckland, New Zealand.
[29]. 馬柏樟, 顏志軍. 基于潛在狄利特雷分布模型的網絡評論產品特征抽取方法, 計算機集成制造系統,2014, 20(1): 96-103.
[30]. 曲衛華, 顏志軍*. 能源消費對環境與公共健康的影響——基于山西省的實證分析, 偉德國際1946bv官網學報(社會科學版),2014.4,16(4):33-41.
[31]. Baizhang Ma, Dongsong Zhang, Zhijun Yan*. Taeha Kim. An Lda and Synonym Lexicon Based Approach to Product Feature Extraction from Online Consumer Product Reviews. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2013, 14(4):304-314.
[32]. Hansi Jiang,Dongsong Zhang ,Zhijun Yan . A Classification Model for Detection of Chinese Phishing E-Business Websites, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems(PACIS) 2013. (Best paper nomination)
[33]. 顏志軍,畢海玲.電子政務信息資源共享的重復博弈分析,偉德國際1946bv官網學報(自然科學版) , 2011年1月,第31卷,第1期,122-126.
[34]. 顏志軍,郭兵珍,阮文錦。企業信息化水平測評方法研究。偉德國際1946bv官網學報(自然科學版)。2009, 29(2):176-180.
[35]. Liang Chen, Zhijun Yan and Jiajia Liu. Research of Modeling and Application on Multi-agent System Using Petri Nets. Communications of SIWN, 2008,4,25-28.
[36]. 顏志軍,王天梅,業務流程的角色復雜性,偉德國際1946bv官網學報(自然科學版).2008,28(3),278-282.
[37]. 高慧穎,顏志軍. 基于CBR的信息系統案例檢索多Agent模型研究.計算機工程與設計. 2008,29(5),1226-1228.
[38]. 顏志軍。李倩,杜頂。面向對象的信息系統規劃方法。偉德國際1946bv官網學報(自然科學版),2007,27(6):560-564.
[39]. 顏志軍,張躍軍,基于聚類分析的決策表約簡,偉德國際1946bv官網學報(自然科學版),2006,26(3): 256-259.
[40]. 顏志軍,甘仞初. 基于CPN的信息系統資源配置動態模型的建立. 管理科學學報,2002,5(1):76-84.
[3].國家自然科學基金,社交媒體健康知識發現與個性化診療方法研究, 2016-2019,項目負責人
[4].國家自然科學基金,虛擬健康社區的知識共享和行為擴散機制研究, 2013-2016,項目負責人
[5].北京市自然科學基金,面向空氣質量和公共健康的北京市機動車限行管理模式與方法研究, 2015-2017,項目負責人
[6].教育部新世紀優秀人才項目,能源、環境與健康動態模擬仿真模型的研究與開發, 2012-2014,項目負責人
[7].國家自然科學基金,虛擬社區的信任機制及智能推薦方法研究, 2009-2012,項目負責人
[9].國家重點研發計劃子課題,眾智科學基礎理論與方法研究, 2017-2021,子課題負責人
[10]. 國家互聯網信息辦公室,信息經濟發展動態監測工作,2016,項目負責人
[11]. 國家自然科學基金委海外及港澳學者合作研究基金,基于在線產品評論信息的消費者決策支持和虛假電子商務網站自動識別研究, 2011-2012,國內合作人
[12]. 科技部政策法規司,國家科普能力建設研究,2010-2011,項目負責人
[13]. 企業橫向課題,醫療大數據分析, 2014-2015,項目負責人
[14]. 國家“863”子課題,農業企業信息平臺, 2003-2005,子課題負責人
[15]. 國家自然科學基金創新群體,能源經濟與氣候政策研究,2016-2021,參與
[16]. 973課題,建立以中國為主的氣候變化國際/區域研究中心的可行性研究,2010-2011,參與
[17]. 國家自然科學基金,基于社會網絡的協作模型及推薦技術研究,2012-2014,參與
[18]. 教育部哲學社會科學研究重大課題攻關項目,面向公共服務的電子政務管理體系研究,2007-2010,參與
[19]. 北京市自然科學基金委,加強基礎研究提高持續創新能力的具體措施研究, 2010-2011,課題副組長
[20]. 北京市科學技術委員會,市自然基金學科發展戰略和優先資助領域研究及管理學科規劃, 2011-2012,參與
[21]. 國家自然科學基金,突發事件應急仿真決策理論及應用研究,2007-2009,參與
[22]. 國家自然科學基金,基于CAS的供應鏈結構演化的協調模型及其復雜性研究, 2005-2006,參與