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陳煒明,中共黨員,經濟學博士,偉德國際1946bv官網/能源與環境政策研究中心預聘副教授,特別研究員博士生導師。美國馬里蘭大學訪問學者(2017-2019),人選中國科協“青年人才托舉工程”(2022)。研究領域包括能源與氣候政策碳達峰與碳中和、全球價值鏈、氣候工程管理、能源-環境-經濟復雜系統建模等。擔任《煤炭經濟研究》《資源與產業》期刊青年編委,Applied Energy、Energy、Science of the Total Environment ,Resources Policy、Technological Forecasting and SociaChange 、Journal of Modelling in Management等SCI/SSCI 期刊審稿人。以第一/通訊作者在國內外主流學術期刊發表論文20余篇,參與出版專著或教材5部,主持國家自然科學基金、中國博士后科學基金、北京市社科基金各1項,參與國家自然科學基金重大項目、國家重點研發計劃項目、國家自然科學基金面上項目等累計 10余項。獲國土資源科學技術二等獎、偉德國際1946bv官網教育教學成果一等獎、北京市優秀博士畢業生等。




Email:chen@bit.edu.cn; cwmchn@163.com


[1] Chen Weiming; Jia-Ning Kang*; Myat Su Han. Global environmental inequality: Evidence from embodied land and virtual water trade, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 146992. (SCI, JCR 1區Top, IF: 7.963)

[2] Chen Weiming; Shen Qu; Myat Su Han*. Environmental implications of changes in China’s inter-provincial trade structure, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2021, 167, 105419. (SCI, 中科院1區Top, IF: 10.204)

[3] Chen Weiming; Lei Yalin*; Feng Kuishuang*. Wu Sanmang; Li Li; Provincial emission accounting for CO2 mitigation in China: insights from production, consumption and income perspectives, Applied Energy, 2019, 119: 1-13. (SCI, 中科院1區Top, IF: 9.746)

[4] Chen Weiming; Lei Yalin*; Wu Sanmang; Li Li. Opportunities for low-carbon socioeconomic transition during the revitalization of Northeast China: Insights from Heilongjiang province, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 683:380-388. (SCI, JCR 1區Top, IF: 7.963)

[5] Chen Weiming; Wu Sanmang*; Lei Yalin; Li Shantong. Virtual water export and import in china’s foreign trade: A quantification using input-output tables of China from 2000 to 2012, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2018,132: 278-290. (SCI, 中科院1區Top, IF: 10.204)

[6] Chen Weiming; Wu Sanmang*; Lei Yalin; Li Shantong. Interprovincial transfer of embodied energy between the Jing-Jin-Ji area and other provinces in China: a quantification using interprovincial input-output model. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 584, 990-1003. (SCI, JCR 1區Top, IF: 7.963)

[7] Chen Weiming; Wu Sanmang*; Lei Yalin; Li Shantong; China’s water footprint by province, and inter-provincial transfer of virtual water, Ecological indicators, 2017, 74: 321-333. (SCI, JCR 1區, IF: 4.958)

[8] Zhang Zhenjun, Chen Weiming*. "Embodied carbon transfer between China and the Belt and Road Initiative countries." Journal of Cleaner Production 378 (2022): 134569. (SCI, 中科院1區Top, IF:11.072)

[9] Cui Lixin#, Chen Weiming#, Wang Yonggui#, Wen Wen#, Han Myat Su*. Predicting determinants of consumers’ purchase motivation for electric vehicles: An application of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model. Energy Policy, 2021, 151, 112167. (SCI, 中科院1區Top, IF: 6.142)

[10] Kang Jia-Ning, Zhang Yun-Long, Chen Weiming*. "Delivering negative emissions innovation on the right track: A patent analysis." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 158 (2022): 112169. (SCI, 中科院1區top, IF: 14.982)

[11] Myat Su Han, Chen Weiming*. Determinants of eco-innovation adoption of small and medium enterprises: An empirical analysis In Myanmar. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 2021.173 (SSCI, 中科院1區Top, IF: 8.593)

[12] Cudjoe Dan, Han Myat Su, Chen Weiming*.Power generation from municipal solid waste landfilled in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Energy, 2021, 217, 119393. (SCI, 中科院1區Top, IF: 7.147)

[13] 曲申*, 陳煒明*, 劉麗靜*, 胡宇辰, 佘運磊, 翟炳陽, 周琪.后疫情重建階段的碳排放趨勢與減排策略研究[J].中國環境管理, 2021,13(03):8-18. (CSSCI, IF: 2.588)

[13]Wei Yi-Ming, Yu Bi-Ying, Li Hui, Kang Jia-Ning, Wang Jin-Wei, Chen Weiming. Climate engineering management: an emerging interdisciplinary subject. Journal of Modelling in Management. 2020 (2): 685-702.

[14] Wei Yi-Ming, Kang Jia-Ning, Chen Weiming. Climate or Carbon Mitigation Engineering Management. Engineering. 2021 /doi.org/10.1016/j.eng.2021.09.008. (SCI, 中科院1區top, IF: 7.553)

[15] Wei Yi-Ming, Chen Kaiyuan, Kang Jia-Ning, Chen Weiming, Wang Xiang-Yu, Zhang Xiaoye. Policy and Management of Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality: A Literature Review. Engineering. (SCI, 中科院1區top, IF: 7.553)

[16] Yang Kejia, Lei Yalin, Chen Weiming, Liu Lingna. Carbon dioxide emission reduction quota allocation study on Chinese provinces based on two?stage Shapley information entropy model. Natural Hazards, 2018, 91(1), 321-335. (SCI, JCR 2區, IF: 2.427)

[17] Qin Meng, Wang Jiayu, Chen Weiming, Wang Ke. Reducing CO2 emissions from the rebalancing operation of the bike-sharing system in Beijing. Frontiers of Engineering Management. 2020.

[18] Cudjoe Dan, Zhu Bangzhu, Nketiah Emmanuel, Wang Hong, Chen Weiming, Yuan Qianqian.The potential energy and environmental benefits of global recyclable resources. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 798. (SCI, JCR 1區Top, IF: 7.963)

[19] Cudjoe, Dan, Weiming Chen, Bangzhu Zhu. "Valorization of food waste into hydrogen: Energy potential, economic feasibility and environmental impact analysis." Fuel 324 (2022): 124476. (SCI, 中科院1區top, IF: 8.035)

[20] 吳三忙,陳煒明,李善同. 京津冀經濟區內外部經濟關聯研究—基于地區間投入產出模型的分析. 區域經濟評論. 2016, 03, 61-68 (碩士導師一作,北大中文核心, IF: 2.112)

[21] 雷涯鄰, 葛建平,陳煒明, 吳永民.《中國燃料乙醇產業發展政策研究》,科學出版社,2019.(學術專著)


[1] 國家自然科學基金青年項目:能源脫碳路徑及其經濟環境影響研究-以京津冀地區為例

[2] 中國博士后科學基金面上項目:價值鏈分工背景下京津冀低碳經濟轉型的產業模式研究

[3] 北京市社科基金一般項目:北京市能源系統低碳轉型全要素協同路徑研究


[1] 中國科協青年人才托舉工程(2022)

[2] 自然資源部國土資源科學技術二等獎(2021)

[3] 偉德國際1946bv官網教育教學成果一等獎(2022)

[4] 北京市優秀博士畢業生(2019)