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Patrick McCarthy

  • Release date:2010-01-05 08:04:00

  Dr. Patrick McCarthy received his PhD in Economics from Claremont Graduate University and joined Georgia Tech in 2000 as Professor and Chair of the School of Economics, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts. Professor McCarthy is also Director of the Center for Paper Business and Industry Studies, one of twenty-six Industry Centers funded by the Sloan Foundation, and is on the Advisory Board of the Sloan Funded Trucking Industry Program at Georgia Tech. He is an Associate Editor of Transportation Research E. His research areas include transportation economics, regulation, industry studies, and applied econometrics. He is the author of Transportation Economics Theory and Practice: A Case Study Approach (Blackwell Publishers 2001), has published widely in academic journals, edited volumes, and conference proceedings. The Sloan Foundation Industry Centers Program, the National Science Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health have supported his research. Professor McCarthy previously taught at Purdue University where he was a Professor of Economics and Civil Engineering. And he has received visiting appointments at Duisburg-Essen University (Germany), the Athens Laboratory of Business Administration (Greece), Nan yang Technological University (Singapore), and the University of Southern California. He teaches courses in transportation economics, research methods, and discrete choice econometrics.