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Professor Wei Zhiping from National Taiwan University was invited to give a report

【Mingli Lecture Hall, 2021, Issue 5】Professor Wei Zhiping from National Taiwan University was invited to give a report

On January 7, [Mingli Lecture Hall, 2021, Issue 5] had the honor to invite Professor Wei Zhiping from National Taiwan University to bring you an academic report entitled "Natural Language Understanding of Biomedical Literature: Biomedical Relation Extraction Methods and Their Applications". Professor Yan Zhijun from the college presided over the meeting and extended a warm welcome to Teacher Wei.

In the report, Mr.Wei first introduced the basic concept of entity identification and relationship extraction to help everyone have a basic understanding of the research methods. Later, Mr.Wei introduced two studies on this basis: the relationship construction between cancer and its causes and products, and the new use of old drugs.Mr.Wei introduced these two studies from the aspects of medical needs, existing methods, his own model, experimental process and experimental evaluation results, and detailed the model based on global characteristics and path importance, as well as the performance of the model in the experiment.

After the report, Mr.Wei had a heated discussion and exchange with the participating teachers and students. The report got a warm response and received unanimous praise from the teachers and students.

Speaker profile:

Professor Wei Zhiping currently works as a distinguished professor in the Information Management Department of National Taiwan University. Professor Wei holds a Ph.D. in Management Information System from University of Arizona (graduated in 1996). He has taught at Tsinghua University and Sun Yat-sen University. He has also served as a visiting scholar at the University of Washington, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Professor Wei's main research fields are big data analysis, text mining, social media analysis, biomedical information, patent analysis and exploration, etc. His research results are published in internationally renowned journals in information management or information technology related fields, such as Journal of Management Information Sys-tems (JMIS), European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), Decision Sciences, Decision Support Systems (DSS), Information & Management (I&M), Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, IEEE Intelligent Systems, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, etc.