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9-29 Prof. Huang Zhimin, School of Business, Adelphi University of the US: Research and Critical Thinking:A Study in Supply Chain Management

Speaker: Professor Huang Zhimin, Business School, University of Adelphi, USA

Time: September 29,2020(Tuesday)9:00 am

ID:913 ZOOM online meetings 5871 7462

Speaker Profile:

Huang Zhimin, professor of AdelphiUniversity Business School, and editor of Journal of Modeling in Management, is also the editorial board of many of the world's top journals. Prof. Huang published more than 80 articles in first-class academic journals of management, economics and operational research, of which 2 were published in Decision Sciences , and 11 inEuropean Journal of Operational Research Operational Research. Prof. Huang's papers are classic, widely circulated wih high rate of citation. He is also an authoritative figure in the field of DEA. He is student of Charnes. the founder of operational research and management science. As far as supply chain research is concerned, Prof.. Huang is the main pioneer in the field of cooperative advertising. At present, the three most frequently cited papers in the field of cooperative advertising are written by Prof. Huang.


This talk will focus on how to do research based on real business background and review of the literature.The speaker will share his research experience in the development of his well-known co-op advertising supply chain models.

(Hosts: Research and Academic Exchange Centre, Energy and Environmental Policy Research Centre)