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Professor Wei Yiming leads the approval of the major project of National Natural Science Foundation of China

Recently, the National Natural Science Foundation of China has issued an approval notice for major projects in 2022. Professor Wei Yiming, Director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, led the approval of the project of "Modeling and Application Research of Complex Systems of Climate Economy". The project aims to develop a new generation of comprehensive climate and economic assessment models and conduct policy simulation for the forefront of world science in tackling climate change and the major national needs to be carbon neutral. The Project is led by Beijing Institute of Technology, and joint by Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Nanjing University, Guangdong University of Technology, and Guangdong Ocean University. The project team consists of experts and scholars from management science, atmospheric and Marine science, ecological science, power and renewable energy, energy system engineering, economic and social science and other disciplines.

The project has five tasks: Beijing Institute of Technology is responsible for the integration project "Climate system and economic technology system coupling modeling and application", and "The influence of economic system on carbon emissions mechanism and dynamic regulation", Huazhong University of Science and Technology is responsible for the "Carbon emission reduction technology endogenous modeling method and technology system optimization", Guangdong University of Technology is responsible for the "Impact of climate change on social economic system mechanism and risk assessment", Guangdong Ocean takes on the "Climate research mode suitable for the comprehensive assessment of climate change".

This is the fifth National Natural Science Foundation major project won by Beijing Institute of Technology since the establishment of major projects by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.