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Huiyun Li

Professor Hui-Yun Li, Ph.D.

Hui-Yun Li is a professor of School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology. She began teaching at School of Management and Economics of Beijing Institute of Technology in 1986. Her recent research and teaching focus on information disclosure, corporate governance and economic statistics. Training courses are applied statistics, budget accounting, the empirical accounting theory and method, basic accountancy, national economic accounting, and so on. She has performed 6 books and over 10 research projects for various China governmental agencies including national fund of social science (13ATJ003), National Natural Science Foundation(71140006), National and provincial key projects and school funds. She also published over 40 papers in Journals including Statistical Research, Acta Armamentarii,Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology and etc. Among them, CSSCI/EI/CPCI-SSH included over 30 articles. Prof. Li is also the editor of a Planned Textbook for “Twelfth Five Year Plan” of The National Statistics Committee.

Research-related Prizes and Honors

[1] Faculty Adviser of the School Outstanding Master's Thesis(2015).
[2] Second Prize/Undergraduate Outstanding Teaching Teachers Class Platforms, Faculty Alumni Scholarship and Education Fund(2011).
[3] First Prize/Second National Agricultural Census Bidding Project Review(Director, Rank Second,2009).
[4] Second Prize for Paper/Outstanding Achievements Award, The Ninth National Statistical Sciences Research(Rank Third,2008).
[5] Three Aspects of Education Advanced Individual Award, founded by school(2007).
[6] Third Prize for Paper/ Outstanding Achievements Award, Seventh National Statistical Sciences Research(Independently,2004).
[7] Third Prize for Paper/ Outstanding Achievements Award, Sixth National Statistical Sciences Research, (Independently,2002).
[8] Second Prize for Subject/ Outstanding Achievements Award, Sixth National Statistical Sciences Research, (Rank Third,2002).
[9] First Prize/National Economic Statistics Reform and Development Outstanding Achievements Award,(Independently,1998).
[10] First Prize/Ninth Outstanding Young Teaching Achievements Award, founded by BIT, (Independently,1998).
Representative Publications Books
[1] Li Huiyun, 2012. Explore Of the Regularity and Supervise of Chinese Listed Companies Voluntary Disclosure[M]. National Natural Science Foundation of China Funded (71140006), Collected by the New Century Library of Statistics and Economic Excellent Books, China Statistics Press.

Text Books

[1] H.Y. Li, S.F. Xiao & Y. Wang. 2014. Statistics: Data Analysis in Economics and management[M]. National Statistics Textbook Editorial Committee "Twelfth Five-year " Plan Textbook China Statistics Press.
[2] S.F. Xiao, H.Y. Li& Y. Wang. 2009. Basic Business Statistics (2nd edition) [M]. Beijing Institute of Technology Press.
[3] Xiao Shufang, Li HuiyunTitle. 2002. Basic Business Statistics [M].
Beijing Institute of Technology Press.
[4] Ge Shengbao, Li Huiyun. 2009. Statistical Indicators of the Weapons Industry (2009) [M]. Weapons Industry Press.
[5] Li Huiyun. Statistical Indicators of the Weapons Industry (1999). [M].
China North Industries Group Corporation and China South Industries Group Corporation

Selected Publications in Journal

[1] H.Y. Li, S.Y. Fu & R.F. Wang. 2015. Construction of the Carbon Disclosure Indicator System [J]. Statistics and Decision:2015,13:40-42.(CSSCI)
[2] H.Y. Li, L. Zhang & Y. Zhang. 2014. Voluntary Disclosure, Financial Performance and Market Reaction - Empirical Evidence from China's Shanghai Stock Exchange [J]. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Science Edition),2015,01:89-96.(CSSCI)
[3] H.Y. Li, L. Zhang & W.C. Lv. 2014. A Statistical Validation of Market Process Toward Voluntary Disclosure and Corporate Value Adjustment Effects [J]. Statistical Research (4): 97-101. (CSSCI)
[4] Li Huiyun, Zhao Qiubo. 2014. The two-level analysis of disclosure of profit forecasts-empirical evidence from IPO companies[J]. Statistics and Decision ,2014,18: 166-169.(CSSCI)
[5] H.Y. Li, W.C. Lv & Z.X. Zhang. 2013. A Study of Military Listed Companies MD & A Information Disclosure Quality [J]. Volume 34 supp1 (12): 52-57. (EI)
[6] Li Huiyun, Zhao Qiubo. 2014. What Factors Influence the Companies to Disclose Earnings Forecast Information? [J]. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Natural Science Edition) vol.34suppl (10):140-143.2014. (EI)
[7] H.Y. Li, L. Zhang & Y. Zhang. 2014-2. A research on the correlation between MD&A disclosure and short-term market reaction: based on requirements on preparation of MD&A in China in 2012[C]. 2014 International Conference on Management Science and Information Technology.(EI)
[8] Li Huiyun, Guo Xiaoping. 2013. A Study on Corporate Governance Characteristics of Companies Who Have a High Level of Voluntary Disclosure[J].Statistical Research (7) :72-77.(CSSCI)
[9] H.Y. Li, W.C. Lv 2012. Study on the Status and Supervision of Chinese Listed
Companies Voluntary Disclosure [J]. Statistical Research (4):86-91. (CSSCI)
[10] W. Zhou, Y.D. Xu, H.Y. Li. 2011. Government-enterprise Relationship Network, Duty Consumption and Institutional Construction of Marketization [J]. Statistical Research (2): 53-58. (CSSCI)
[11] Li Huiyun, Li Dingqiao. 2010. Empirical Research on the Influence of the Corporate Governance of Listed Firms to the Voluntary Information Disclosure in China [J]. Statistics and Information Forum (1): 78-83. (CSSCI)
[12] Li Huiyun, Zhang Lin. 2013.Construction of the Voluntary Disclosure Indicator System of Listed Companies[C]. The Seventh International Symposium on Corporate Governance. American "Conference on Social Sciences and humanities record index"(CPCI-SSH)
[13] Li Huiyun, Zhao Peng.2012.A Study of Factors Influencing Voluntary Disclosure of Chinese Listed Companies Based on Structura[C].2012 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association
[14] Li Huiyun, Zhao Peng. 2011. A Study of Factors Influencing Voluntary Disclosure of Chinese Listed Companies[C].The 6th International Symposium on Corporate Governance. American "Conference on Social Sciences and humanities record index"(CPCI-SSH)
Director, Research Center of Information Disclosure and Corporate Governance, School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology.


Visiting scholar funded by CSC:
09/2014-9/2015,Department of Statistics ,George Washington University,U.S.A.
Ph.D. Degree of Management, Feb 2013:
2004/09-2013/02, School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, P. R. China.
Master Degree of Business Administration, Jun 1997:
1994/09-1997/6,School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, P. R. China.
Bachelor Degree of Economics,Jun 1986:
1982/09-1986/06, School of statistics, Ren Min University of China, Beijing, P. R. China.

Contact Information

Professor Hui-Yun Li
School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT)
Address: 5 South Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing 100081, China
Postcode: 100081
Tel: 010 - 68914319
E-mail: lihuiyun@bit.edu.cn